Another thing you realize is that not everyone around you might believe what you believe. I'm talking about religion. I grew up in a Christian home but not strongly conservative. We always had open discussions about different beliefs. Since then, I've realized the whole concept of religion doesn't make any sense to me. It's quite possible there's a higher power out there, but the god thing is too much of a stretch for me. Many people believe in a one almighty being or many almighty beings that watch over them. I do believe in karma - happy thoughts out, happy things in.
I've always marvelled at our immense capability to believe in things. As a child, you never had any doubts that a fat man could get down a chimney and bring you presents. I think believing is a critical part of life - you can move mountains with it. It comes back to mind over matter. How many stories are out there about people surviving incredible circumstances simply because they refused to give up? They kept believing in themselves and that they would survive. How else would motivational speakers make so much money? They help people get back their belief and confidence in themselves. I don't understand that really - I'm super awesome so it's easy to believe in myself :-).
Rango |
My most terrible truth is the amount of power we have. Simply by believing. Believing that you'll survive the bad times, believing that you can change your life. Again, not simply sitting back and moaning about it, but getting up and doing something. But, it's starts with thinking it. You control your emotions, your thoughts, about everything! Scary and super cool.