Friday 19 August 2011

Spoon Bending

In my final year of high school, I was the head girl and had to make speeches at the beginning of every term. My counterpart, the head boy, was always very serious and talked about studying hard and persevering. Good stuff, but I thought it was a bit like those motivational speakers you see on television. I took a different route.
For 10 to 20 minutes, I was in front of the whole assembly and they had to listen to me. It was a great power trip :-). I decided to make my speeches interesting and added props and jokes and so on. I can't remember all of them, but the first and last ones will always stay with me. In my first speech of the year, I talked about some people apparently being able to bend spoons and what amazing brain power we all have. I then ended the year coming full circle.
What I can do (with a set of pliers)
I had gotten up behind the podium after the head boy had spoken. He had said some very nice things about studying hard in the upcoming final exams and doing your best and blah blah blah. When I started speaking, I pulled a teaspoon from my pocket and slowly showed it to everyone. This is some of what I said (which I'll never forget):
At the beginning of the year, I talked about people being able to bend spoons - mind over matter. During this past year, we all bent spoons. Some of us bent small ones, others bent soup ladles. Some bent many while others simply tried to bend something. All of us tried to do something this year, even if it was as little as possible. The point is to never stop trying. Never stop dreaming. Without our dreams we are nothing.
This last year of high school will mean something to you. Maybe you don't think so now, but one day when you're in jail or discussing your tormented youth with a psychiatrist, you'll see it.
When I read this now, I can't believe they let me on stage. I mean I was talking to very young kids as well! :-D. But, I still believe this - never stop believing you can bend spoons. How else will we continue doing the amazing things that has given us oranges all year round and space shuttles that don't always explode?

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