Friday 13 January 2012

To the wizard!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'll be relocating to Australia soon to start my new job at an open cut coal mine in Queensland. I'm really looking forward to the new mine and different way of doing things.

One of the biggest things which struck me throughout this entire job-hunting and relocation process was change and the lack thereof. I had a chance to visit my potential job for the interview and could experience first-hand what it would be like to live there and what my colleagues would be like. I was amazed by how much things are different and how some things never change. I mean the entire setup is similar to what I've been doing - small mining town, half of the town works at the mine, the bigger cities and shops are at least an hour away, many 20 to 30 year olds come from other places to work at the mine. But, how the people view life and work is completely different from what I'm used to. It's amazing! It's like two sides of the same coin.

What also really impressed me is the incredible level of tolerance. Religious views, sexual orientation - these are non-issues. There's actually a complete lack of perceived tolerance because no-one believes there's a problem with what you believe or who you're attracted to. It was refreshing and made me realize how much even I still need to learn to accept people without judgement.

I'll be a bit quiet for a while on the blog, depending on how soon I can get my internet access sorted out. I'm off to see the Wizard of Oz! Woohoo! Wish me luck :-).

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