Sunday 3 July 2011


I love dogs - big dogs, not those handbag ones which you can shoot out of a cannon (and probably should ;-). I grew up with Labradors and would love having one now. But, I live in a flat and am away from home quite often. I wouldn't be able to have a dog except if I could walk it every day, take it with me on holiday and give it a nice big garden to play in.

Apparently, it's good for one's emotional well-being to have a pet. So after little consideration I decided to get a hamster. Why? Because I was on holiday and my hairdresser had the cutest dwarf hamster. As I mentioned, very little consideration :-). I did the research (which means buying a tiny book on hamsters) and headed to the pet shop. I picked out the cage with all the tunnels and some extra toys. I've never had small furry animals as pets while I was growing up so this whole experience was hilarious. At the pet shop, while the owner was getting the hamster, I asked for a female and he hesitated. I assumed he thought I was being silly - what does the gender matter.

I took Buttercup home (named after my favourite Powerpuff Girl) and get her all sorted in her new home. After a week, I notice she's fat, but not like eating too much fat, more like wider and slow. Since I've done my research I realize that she's pregnant! That's why the pet shop dude hesitated - he probably knew he was losing more than one hamster.

Now I have all the Powerpuff Girls and they're hilariously cute. I must admit that my emotional well-being has taken a turn for the better. Pets really put things in perspective. After a day of some miner complaining that geology is always at fault and other managers agreeing, I come home and see Buttercup running around just being content with enough food and a little house. How can I still be angry or upset at some silly things at work?

I heard this just after I got my hamster(s) and couldn't stop laughing:
Dude 1: "I wasn't drunk!"
Dude 2: "You were so drunk you threw my hamster across the room and yelled - Pikachu I choose you!"

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