Saturday 30 April 2011


I had the chance to watch Sucker Punch over the weekend (only released in SA on Friday) and loved every minute of it. The movie's opening sequence has no dialogue and it captured me right from the start with it's haunting music.

The film hasn't received the greatest reviews which I don't quite understand. Perhaps it's one of those that you either love or hate. Zack Snyder, the director, also made 300, Watchmen and Legend of the Guardians - all movies I thoroughly enjoyed.

Sucker Punch is about a young woman, Babydoll, who's thrown into a mental institution by her stepfather to get her out of his way. The movie follows her attempt to escape from the asylum. What's different is that to cope with the situation she envisions all her escape plans as these elaborate fantasies. The worlds she creates and the music accompanying it had me enthralled. I will definitely buy the DVD and watch it again. I read many criticisms that the best parts of the film - the fantasies - weren't real, but that's the point, isn't it? Dreams and fantasies are by definition larger than life.

I'll leave you with a quote from the film which has stuck with me (forgive me if I don't recall it exactly):

You think you cannot do this. You can.
You think you are not strong enough. You are.
You have all the weapons you need.
Now, Fight!

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