Tuesday 26 April 2011


I love sound effects. I remember reading a Calvin & Hobbes strip where Calvin was walking around making dramatic music and other sound effects. His answer at his mother's complete exasperation: "Everyone's life should have a dramatic soundtrack." (Apologies to Bill Waterson if I haven't remembered the dialogue correctly.)

Apparently, when Xena (Xena: Warrior Princess) was first aired, many websites popped up around the sound effects. Especially the sometimes overly dramatic ones when the heroes or villains flick their heads around or jab with a sword. And everyone has some song running in the background of their mind all the time. If that's just me, please don't tell me, ignorance is bliss :-).

But, I love sound effects the most in comic form. Each author has a different way of putting in sound. Some simply use the word itself (gunshot or whatever), while others use the standard ones (thud, bump and so on). The you get those that create new ones like Megan Rose Gedris.

Gedris, YU+ME creator, also made a webcomic with the coolest title ever. Wait for it ... I Was Kidnapped By Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space. Or LPOS for short (Rosalarian). The title already had me in stitches and the comic got even better. The art is old-style comic books and is very well done. As the title suggests, the webcomic is about a young woman kidnapped by space pirates. It follows their adventures through the galaxy and the different characters are very funny. One of the best scenes in the comic is when they show what a gaydar really looks like - friggin hilarious! What I also love about it is the unique sound effects. Zot! is one of my favourites and is what one of the weapons sound like. Thok! is what it sounds like when you kick a guy squarely between the legs.

Webcomic by Megan Rose Gedris
Tikka tacka is what my keyboard sounds like while I'm typing this :-).

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