Tuesday 19 April 2011

What animal are you and why?

I have attended numerous personal growth courses through the company I work for. The ones which attempt to give you personal insight, emotional intelligence and so on. I'm still a bit sceptical as to how effective and practical these courses are, but I have learnt a few things along the way.
What never changes is the introduction each delegate has to do before the start of the course. The facilitator asks you to briefly give your name, job title, work area, and then what animal you identify with and why. This is meant to break the ice so that the group of strangers can get to know one another. At this course, the facilitator also mentioned that as an industrial psychologist this information tells her a lot about a person. Immediately, I was on guard. How the hell can a random pick of an animal tell her who I am? I can imagine it gives her a small look into my personality, but after that she'd place you in a box labeled lion and carry on. Unacceptable.
The facilitator then went round the room with some people identifying with leopards, elephants, owls and having some interesting reasons. I couldn't decide and then was suddenly hit by a flash of inspiration. I was the last person to do introductions and happily blurted out: "Dinosaur." After, the laughter had died down (and I hadn't thought it was that funny :-), I gave my reason: "They had a good run while it lasted."
I find that I often agonize over the past and fervently try to plan and understand the future and whatever it may bring. I miss what happens today. That's why I try to enjoy the small things in life - like that amazingly beautiful moth or a child in a store looking in awe at all the toys around him. Laugh more, enjoy now!

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